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Bohmian.org - Discussion - Google's automated review aggregation - m

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m joined January 13, 2008 (logged-in March 11, 2020) <beez> Bitching where bitching is due -- and often where it is not.

Google's automated review aggregation

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My Opinion of Google's automated review aggregation:

I love my Nokia N900 mobile computer. I still do, even though Nokia gives the N900 no love. My fiance has been shopping for new phones recently, and I decided to look up what people had said about my beloved workhorse since its release over a year ago. I actually started by looking for prices on Froogle which is how I found my way to looking at Google's reviews.

It was an entertaining experience. I started looking at the one-star reviews for my N900 mobile device. The reviews were along the lines of "This doesn't charge my N900" and "This sleeve didn't fit my N900". That Google is counting these against the device that these users actually appear to be fond of both is disappointing and shows the fragility of Google's automated review collection system.