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Bohmian.org - Discussion - Name resolution problems in scratchbox - m

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m joined January 13, 2008 (logged-in March 11, 2020) <beez> Bitching where bitching is due -- and often where it is not.

Name resolution problems in scratchbox

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My Opinion of Name resolution problems in scratchbox:

I couldn't get apt-get update to work in scratchbox on the Nokia Maemo SDK virtual disk images, despite the virtual image itself having no problems, and even links in the scratchbox being alright.

It turns out that--somehow--links was using the resolv.conf file in the target (/scratchbox/users/<user>/targets/<target>) while apt-get was using the one in /scratchbox/etc/.

From the virtual image (outside of scratchbox), the ``ln -sf /etc/resolv.conf /scratchbox/etc/resolv.conf'' fixed the problem.