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Bohmian.org - Discussion - Google Nexus S first impressions - m

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m joined January 13, 2008 (logged-in March 11, 2020) <beez> Bitching where bitching is due -- and often where it is not.

Google Nexus S first impressions

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My Opinion of Google Nexus S first impressions:

We just got Jamie's Android phone in the mail yesterday, the venerable Google-branded Nexus S--currently the state-of-the-art in Android phones.

Now, unlike me, Jamie is very Googly. She uses Google search engine, she uses Google mail. Despite the world around her she's stayed away from Google calendar though as she's always kept a paper calendar and a copy on her phone for alarms.

Unfortunately, you can't use a calendar on an Android phone unless you're using Google Calendars. And you can't add Google Calendars (at least on the current version of Android on the Nexus S) if your account didn't have it before you paired it with the phone. So you can see what frustration we went through last night.

Beyond the issues initially configuring the phone to use the calendar, Jamie seems happy with the device, although she's mentioned that it seems much more fragile than her previous RIM Blackberry device, and watching her navigate the web on it has demonstrated how web 2.0 is a step back in usability. My primary hardware complaint is the same that it shares with the Samsung Galaxy S, which is that the colouring on the screen is unnaturally cold.